With all of the potential exposure photographers could offer us on their websites, blogs, and social media sites, the staff and advisors of Hotel de Paris Museum made the difficult decision to not allow photography, filming, or recording by non-commercial visitors.
Loss of a revenue stream (the sale of officially sanctioned images) was not a factor for us. The policy protects the museum’s intellectual property, light-sensitive artifacts, tour aesthetics, and security. In addition, it helps prevent the stalking of visitors, volunteers, and staff.
However, we have made a compromise to our policy and accommodated requests for images by creating an on-line press room. Low-resolution images of our period rooms, artwork, and other furnishings are on view and easy to find at http://hoteldeparismuseum.org/pressroomgallery/pressroom.html or http://www.flickr.com/photos/hotel_de_paris_museum/
Please consider making a tax deductible contribution at hoteldeparismuseum.org.
Please consider making a tax deductible contribution at hoteldeparismuseum.org.